Posts Tagged ‘job’

Finding a job is difficult. But what might be even more difficult for some people is ciphering out how to get used to the new environment that they are working in when they do finally have a new job. There are office politics to learn, rules to follow, things to get used to … and plus it’s just a big change that takes some adjusting to get used to.

Here are some tips for handling the adjustment period that happens when you first start a new job:

* Be friendly to people. Any job is better when you are friends with the people that you are working with. You probably don’t want to immediately start going to happy hours with these folks since you don’t really know the office politics of the place yet but you should definitely be friendly to everyone that you are meeting. Be conversationally and actually listen to what these people tell you. The most important thing is that this is going to make it easier to get used to the new work place.

* Create some personal space for yourself at the office. Whether you have your own office, a cubicle or just a desk of your own, there must be some space there that is just for you. In this space, you should put some personal effects such as photos. This will help you to feel more comfortable in the new work environment.

* Watch and listen. Ultimately, the key to getting used to a new job and the new environment that you are working in is to figure out the ins and outs of the place. The best way to do that is to pay attention to what is going on around you. Learn the rules and policies by noticing what’s going on in the office or work space. The more you learn, the more that you’re going to fit in.

* Keep lots of lists. At the beginning of the day, you should make a “to do” list. At the end of the day, you should make a list of things that went well. These lists will keep you organized and focused on what is good about this new job. By keeping all of these lists, you are going to make yourself more prepared for the job at hand and this will help you to get more comfortable with the new place.

* Be punctual. You don’t have to be there all of the time but fifteen minutes before and after the time that you’re supposed to be at work can give you more time than you would imagine to just start getting used to the place. This time can be used to get to know the building and surrounding area, explore the computer software, set up your desk the way that you like it or chat with people who are also there.

* Stay positive. One of the things that makes it difficult to adjust to a new job is negativity. If you assume that people don’t like you or you automatically make judgments about things at the office that you aren’t going to like then you’re going to find it difficult to approach the job with a positive attitude. Try to focus on the things that you like so far about the work and stay away from anyone that is saying negative things on the job.

* Try to get involved in a project. You are going to have to spend the first few days or weeks of a job just learning the job but try to get your own little project going or to join a team project as soon as possible after starting the new job. This will help you to feel more involved and invested in the business and it will help you to be more excited about your new work.

* Relax and be confident. Accept the fact that you probably aren’t going to get used to the new job immediately. You are going to make some mistakes. You are going to step on some toes. You are going to get confused or you’re going to confuse others by doing things differently than what they’re used to. It’s okay. Relax. The thing that you really need to get used to a new job is just time. Let yourself have it. Soon enough, you’re going to feel like you’ve been there forever!

Getting used to a new job or a new work environment isn’t easy but it doesn’t have to be particularly difficult either. Just follow my lead and surely you’ll be able to get through all the shake and bake of your new work environment. ^^,